Changing our reflection
When you look into a mirror, you see the reality of what you are in that very moment. Pessimists will resign themselves to that view. Others will be aware of the opportunities for change, whether it be our facial expression, our hairstyle, or our hair color. Our physical appearance can be changed to show us a different or better version of ourselves.
We have this same ability with our spiritual selves. The universe acts as our mirror to reflect back our very own energy. Our thoughts and our words reverberate out into the universe and that echo comes back to us and magnetizes related energy. I used to believe that my thoughts and words were completely my own and only mattered between me and God. I never had the awareness that God was threaded into everything that creates the universe. How we resonate with that is completely up to us. I have far from mastered my awareness and control of my communication to the world, but it is a conscious effort more now than it has ever been. I am more focused now on the positive. Even the smallest circumstances that create happiness and gratitude are worth celebrating. This is never more true than when we are going through difficult times. It's easy to get swallowed up in pain. We sometimes concede to a sad and darkened reflection. As difficult as it may be, we have to find and celebrate even the tiniest moments that can make us feel some bit of love or hope. Once you see one, I promise you'll see another and then another. The universe will reward you with more of the same. Changing what we reflect can change everything.
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